2020 Rewind: The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty
The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty
So, I finished The Empire of Gold and Daevabad Trilogy back in DECEMBER OF 2020. Since then, I have been meaning and meaning to write a review blog of the series. I still have a draft in my blogs to do this. But if you’ve read the series, and especially, The Empire of Gold, you’ll know the heartache and book hangover that ensued after finishing. It’s one of those books that just never leaves you and has such a huge impact on your heart. So why am I suddenly rewinding the clock? WELL. I was working on some other content - Fragments of Literature, coming soon! - and one of the prompts brought me to that crucial ending in The Empire of Gold. And it reminded me that when I first finished the book, I could not function. Like literally couldn’t do anything else except cry and somehow stay in the world of Daevabad.
And, I’ll say this now, if you haven’t read this series and ESPECIALLY if you haven’t read The Empire of Gold yet, TURN BACK. There will be spoilers ahead!
So yes, crying and staying in the world of Daevabad… twas me after finishing. Days later, I would randomly think about it and still get emotional! I remember I finished the book late and I should have been going to bed, but I couldn’t. I tried and failed at turning on Moana to fall asleep to to get my mind off it. But of course Maui just reminded me of Dara and the music just made me cry harder. Ha. So, I got up and journaled… yes, I journaled my thoughts and how I was feeling. I have never done that before in the history of my reading experience after finishing a book - well maybe only one other time - but certainly not since The Empire of Gold, that’s for sure. And today, I wanted to share what those thoughts were because what better place to do it than here. I’ll set the stage: it’s 12/1/2020 at 3:38am in the morning. I’m reeling from finishing this book and I’m trying to calm myself down so I can go to sleep.
Here are my journal thoughts. Some content from the pinterest board I made. My Instagram post a few days later. And a few recs to keep you going after Daevabad ✨
My Journal Entry
12/1/20 3:38 AM
I finished The Empire of Gold, the 3rd and final book, in The Daevabad Trilogy… and I might be broken. After two attempts of trying to go to sleep after finishing, I finally gave up.
I just kept crying.
I am beyond heartbroken and so utterly consumed by sadness over Dara that I could not sleep. I’ve been sobbing for roughly 2 hours now and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight - especially when my world goes quiet. All I can think about is Dara and his last moments with Nahri before he walks beyond the veil.
My mind is stuck on that moment. It will not leave me. I’m in the glen with Nahri and Mishmish, her shedu, waiting just another minute to see if Dara will return to me. Then the realization seeping in that he’s really not coming back and I will never see him again. Cue the tears - seriously. I’m crying all over again writing this.
Thinking about him being out there all alone for basically forever after everything he’s been through without Nahri, who he loves, and with no way for Nahri to get to him without destroying Daevabad… IS SO SAD. I cannot let it go. Eons he’ll be out there, generations and generations after Nahri and Ali and Muntadhir and Jamsid and Zaynab are gone, alone. I just can’t. It’s too much. It’s awful. My heart gets ripped out everytime I think about it again. He’s just gone. And we (the readers) can’t be with him. And neither can Nahri. And it’s gut wrenching.
What he did for her in letting her go and walking away… coming full circle to book 1 and the cave they stayed in… oh man. The waterworks are still flowing free.
Will he find a way back, ever? Will him and Nahri get to see each other again?
Is he okay?
This is one of the worst book hangovers I’ve ever had. Never have I ever had a book keep me up AFTER I finished because of how heartbroken I was. I am in pieces. I am stuck in that moment. I am so sad. I want him to come back. I want to see his adventures hunting Vizaresh and tracking down the slave vessels he stole.
I want to be with him again. The Dara before Manizheh and the Dara after. Even the Dara during. I didn’t realize how unready I was for this series to be over and now it is. And all I want to do is fall back into that world and never leave. Ever ever ever.
I want more. I need more.
I hope Dara comes back. I hope him and Nahri find each again.
PICTURE THIS: Dara dropping off slave vessels to the cave, Nahri showing up at the same time to check if some have been left - either alone or with her children (or maybe it’s just her children, oh my gah) (I also don’t even know if this is possible with the veil up, ha). Dara and Nahri see each other, long lost friends, lovers exchanging a long, knowing, warm, happy, nostalgic glance for the first time after who knows how many years (but we can tell time has passed), smiling and maybe with some tears and then fade to black.
Crying forever.
My Pinterest Board
Also during those 2 hours of nonstop crying, I started a Pinterest board of Daevabad art and more recently an aesthetic for the book and series! Here is some of the content from that board.
My Instagram Post
leahslittlepleasures • Well here goes ✨ #TheDaevabadBunch
*deep breath*
@sachakrabooks broke me with this one, you guys. Broke me. To my very core. If I could give this a hundred stars, the entire sky, I would. I can't stop thinking about it. I'm still getting emotional over it. It's going to stick with me for a long, long time. I really hope that Netflix adaptation comes through (and we get more story from @sachakrabooks?!!? maybe?!). 🤞🏻
This was my last read of November and WOW. It's been almost a week since I finished and I needed a few (*cough* several) days to collect myself so I wouldn't just burst into tears while writing and posting this. I'm still having moments. 👀😥
This is potentially my favorite book of the year. Definitely the best of the bunch for November. Hands down. 🤍
Book 3 was action-packed and exciting and just so wonderful and heartbreaking. When I read these books, I feel like I’m completely and utterly immersed in the tale. It’s like I’m watching it. That’s how good the writing, story, and characters are as well as the general dynamic of the storytelling itself. Especially with book 3, because the depth of the world-building goes to a whole other level, I felt like I was watching an Emmy nominated and extremely well-developed TV series. You’re just that immersed in the magic of the story unfolding before you on the page and it feels that effortless. The wit and the banter are so on point. The love interest(s) are to die for. The magic of the world is just beyond fathomable in the best way possible. And then it ends... 💔
I'm not sure where I go from here. A Curse So Dark and Lonely has been keeping me company since I finished and now Written In Starlight, but my mind keeps wandering back to you, Empire of Gold ✨
Thank you @sachakrabooks for this amazing, amazing, beautiful, stunning tale 🤍 #teamdaraforever
What To Read After Finishing The Daevabad Trilogy
Looking to still be in the world of jinn and magic and ifrits, even though it’s without Dara and Nahri? Try these books out!
Have you read City of Brass or is it on your radar?
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I’m Leah. Cozy connoisseur and bountiful book buyer. I have a minor obsession with getting lost in the pages of a good book, guzzling coffee, and thriving at home. Leggings, wine, and essential oils are also my jam. I'm truly just a bookworm and homebody at heart with a knack for content creation & cozy shots. This is my creative space.
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