3 Books That Made Me Forget I Was Reading

I love this feeling when I’m reading a book. Nothing compares! This sense of being completely immersed and lost inside the pages of the story — like you could live there endlessly, never get enough of the plot and characters and yearn to get more of the story once you’re finished. Here are the last 3 books that made me forget I was reading.

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In My Rereading Era: The 10 Books I've Reread Since 2022

In honor of recently finishing another reread, I thought I’d highlight all of the books I’ve reread since 2022. 2022 was definitely the year of rereads – the most I’ve ever done – and it’s honestly been wonderful. Let’s review all of the books I reread in 2022.

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Life Update: What's Been Happening In My World Lately

Why, yes, hi, hello — I am still here! It has certainly been a minute. The last couple of months have been hectic and full for us. Here’s a quick look at what we’ve been up to and how I’ve been feeling, the books that I've been reading and loving, what we’ve been watching and what’s coming up for us soon.

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What To Read & Watch After Every Summer After

I’ve been in a kind of haze since I finished Every Summer After by Carley Fortune a week ago. I have no words to describe the impact this story has had on me. If you’re feeling like me, and can’t get your mind to stop reliving Every Summer After, here are several “read-after” and “watch-after” options that’ll give you that same nostalgic, cozy, epic love story, summer lake house, small town vibe. Sam & Percy forever!

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5 Romantic Suspense Series To Add To Your TBR Today

Lately I’ve been loving romances with a bit more oomph. A bit more passion. A bit more angst. A bit more drama and conflict! Romantic suspense is any genre of romance that features a prominent mystery, suspense or thriller element. It’s a subgenre that I’ve always loved, but not one that I’ve sought after in the longest time, until recently. Here are 5 romantic suspense series to add to your to-be-read list today!

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23 Backlist Books In 2023

IT’S TIME. It’s time to read 23 backlist books in 2023! For me and my reading goals for the year, this challenge complimented it perfectly. I have so many unread, owned books from years past that’s IT’S TIME to focus there. And okay, hear me out, there’s actually 27 books on my list LOL. But regardless, here they are. The 27 backlist books I plan to read in 2023 and the 23 in 2023 challenge I’m participating in!

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My Reading Goals for 2023

Setting reading goals has been one of my favorite aspects of delving deeper into my reading journey and experience. I’ve found that it’s a great way to capture a lot of different facets about reading that you either want to try or finally complete. In 2022, I had a slew of varying goals. Some that worked, others that didn’t. I’ve set similar goals this year but have scaled backed tremedously on the ones I’d like to achieve. Here are my reading goals for 2023.

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2020 Rewind: The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty

I finished The Empire of Gold and Daevabad Trilogy back in December of 2020. Since then, I have been meaning and meaning to write a review blog of the series, but it’s taken quite a while to get over the heartache the last book instilled. I can remember days later still getting emotional over the ending. So, here’s a look back at The Empire of Gold and how this book stole my heart, took my breathe away, and left me reeling.

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My 2022 Mantra Reflection & Year In Review

Happy New Year! I know I feel and say this every year now in my adult life — but 2022 FLEW by! I mean flew. I still can’t believe it’s a new year, but I’d have to say, this time around I’m glad for it. 2022 was simultanously a good and very, very hard year for us and I was ready for that clean slate feeling of a new year. Today, I’m reflecting on my 2022 mantra and looking back at how those words actually took affect in my life.

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Book Review: Exes and O's by Amy Lea

This was a super cute grumpy x sunshine, very slow burn, roommates x friends to lovers romance. The humor was fabulous. The tension palpable. I loved being back in the world of Crystal and Scott from Set On You. These characters definitely have my heart! Let’s review Amy’s latest story, Exes and O’s.

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Most Anticipated Thriller Books of 2023

Here we go again! This time, I’m covering some of the most anticipated thriller books of 2023! In this list, you’ll find 20 thriller books all releasing in 2023. There’s chills and thrills, gothic vibes, things that go bump in the night, cozy mystery series, and wicked things coming our way and definitely not in a spoopy way. Here are some of the most anticipated thriller books of 2023!

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My Favorite Books of the Year

Picking top favorites is always hard for me. Even with a reading journal this year where I kept up with my favorite book month by month, I still made this stack twice! But I think I've nailed it this time. Here are the top 12 books I loved this year!

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Most Anticipated Romance Reads of 2023

All you need is love… and romance books! It’s that time again. Today, I’m covering some of the most anticipated romance reads of 2023. In this list, you’ll find 45 romance books all releasing next year. From contemporary and romcom to dark, romantic suspense, there’s something for every type of romance reader in this group!

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Most Anticipated Fantasy Reads of 2023

Here we are again! On the cusp of a brand new year and it’s time to cover some of the most anticipated reads of 2023. In this list, we’ve got over 50 fantasy and fantasy romance reads. From Leigh Bardugo and Shannon Chakraborty and their immersive, epic magical worlds to sizzlin’, heartstopping fantasical romances from Katee Robert and Sarah A. Parker, we’ve got a plethora of new releases to look forward to in the new year.

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14 Christmassy Books To Add To Your Holiday TBR

Wondering what holiday-inspired books you should this month? Or even through the start of the new year? Then you’ve come to right place! From feel-good holiday romcoms to bittersweetly beautiful tales, check out this quick list of christmassy books I’ve read and loved and others that are on my radar for this year!

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Book Review: Resting Witch Face by Juliette Cross

Resting Witch Face by Juliette Cross, book 5 in the Stay A Spell series, is the story of Jules, the eldest of the Savoie sisters, Enforcer of New Orleans, and siphon witch with telekenetic powers, and Ruben, NOLA's Vampire Overlord— FINALLY! Check out my full review here!

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