Things I’ve Been Leaning Into & Loving Lately
I’ve taken significant time off this summer, unplanned, just being and refocusing. Trying to recalibrate my priorities and find my purpose, drive, and motivation again. It’s really been amazing, being checked out and offline, reacquainting myself with other priorities and things that need my attention. And while I was away, these were all the things I was leaning into, and absolutely loving, during my time off.
Life Update: What's Been Happening In My World Lately
Why, yes, hi, hello — I am still here! It has certainly been a minute. The last couple of months have been hectic and full for us. Here’s a quick look at what we’ve been up to and how I’ve been feeling, the books that I've been reading and loving, what we’ve been watching and what’s coming up for us soon.
My 2022 Mantra Reflection & Year In Review
Happy New Year! I know I feel and say this every year now in my adult life — but 2022 FLEW by! I mean flew. I still can’t believe it’s a new year, but I’d have to say, this time around I’m glad for it. 2022 was simultanously a good and very, very hard year for us and I was ready for that clean slate feeling of a new year. Today, I’m reflecting on my 2022 mantra and looking back at how those words actually took affect in my life.
Summer Amazon Haul | Life & Style
Check out my latest Amazon Haul from this summer! I’ll be covering what I’ve ordered and kept, what’s still on it’s way to me, and those items I’ve returned and why.
5 Things Bringing Me Joy Lately
The last month or so, I’ve really been leaning hard into those things that are bringing me pure joy and just all around happiness, even that quiet happiness, that complete contentedness, despite what life is throwing at me. That’s where I’ve been thriving most especially of late and where I definitely want to stay. Here are 5 things that are bringing me joy lately.
5 Ways I Combat Overwhelm
I'm someone who can easily get overwhelmed. I'm such an overthinker! And, as a creative, there's typically an endless amount of tasks I'd like to get done everyday and new ideas that I have. When everything takes time, it can sometimes feel like I just don't have time for anything. Here are 5 ways I've learned to combat overwhelm and cope over the years.
My Mantra for 2022
I’m still in a little shock that it’s 2022! Do you typically set resolutions or do any of those “new year” sorts of things? I LOVE the idea of them but have never been one to actually do them. But I recently saw this word puzzle graphic on Instagram with a heading that said, “The first four words you see will be your mantra for 2022” and well, I went for it! In this blog, I’m reviewing each word I intuitively found, journaling my thoughts about them, and overall recapping my mantra for 2022!
My Reading Journey & Backstory
Have you ever thought back through your journey to reading? Or maybe you’ve always been a consistent, avid reader. I was just thinking about mine the other day and noticed certain catalysts that set (and reset) my reading journey into motion. And I thought why not put pen to paper, or rather, hands to keyboard and record that story of mine! I love looking back and mapping out particular paths of my life. It’s so interesting to examine and consolidate in hindsight.
Fall Favorites Round Up
I love fall. It’s one of my favorite times of the year. When the leaves start to change and the temperature starts to cool off — it’s just the perfect combination of nostalgia and new beginnings. I just love all things about this season! And to celebrate, I’ve rounded up all my favorite things about autumn. From cozying it up at home to heading out on a little getaway, I’ve listed all the things about this time of year that bring me joy and I hope it’ll bring just a little bit more joy to your day, too!
7.24.20 Due Date [& More] Reflection
Thinking about the fact that there should be a big, round belly of baby in this picture, especially today, because today would have been our sweet little angel’s due date.